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Dealing With Bird Infestations

Eastern-Burkholder Exterminators Inc. is Keeping Birds Flying Freely

It’s hard dealing with bird infestations. Do you want quality bird pest control in Belpre, Ohio? Trust the experts at Eastern-Burkholder Exterminators Inc. Birdwatching can be a great way to spend a beautiful day outside. You might like watching them fly from place to place while you just sit there and relax. But are birds leaving their trail on your property? That’s not something anyone enjoys seeing. You may not think of birds as pests to your home, but they can cause more damage than you think.


They can cause some serious damage to your roof and to your health. Do you know the signs of a bird infestation? What about ways to prevent or treat them? In this month’s blog, we write about dealing with bird infestations. Keep these tips and tricks in mind for preventing and treating an infestation.


Watch for Signs of Bird Activity on Your Property

If you’re noticing a lot of birds chirping on your property, that may be your first sign of trouble. The faster you can recognize you have a problem, the better your chances of keeping the damage at a minimum. Some of the most common signs you’re dealing with a bird problem include:


  • Birds Making Noises
  • Bird Nests or Resting Materials All Over Your Property
  • Birds Settling On Roofs Or Ledges
  • Damaged Stock From Pecking and Bird Fouling
  • Droppings


What birds are causing your problems will vary because of where you live. The important thing to remember is that you must act as soon as possible. Don’t allow the birds to take over your property, and mess with your health.


What Made My Home or Business Attractive to Birds Originally?

Are you someone who puts out a bird feeder on their property? What about a shelter that is warm and welcoming for them to build a family? Do you have a bird bath on your grounds? Those are just some of the ways that birds may want to spend time on your property. You may be showing these creatures some hospitality. But they may still end up doing some damage to your property you weren’t prepared for.


There are some other key factors that impact whether you attract birds. Moving and clean water, nest boxes, bright colors, and seed producing plants could cause more serious problems. Do you want a more in-depth look at your potential bird infestation problems? Check out these tremendous resources from Birdscaping.


Here are Natural Ways of Getting Rid of Birds on Your Property

While you may enjoy the sweet sounds that birds and the color bring, that doesn’t mean you want them. There are a few tips that can help you get rid of birds both naturally and physically. Natural solutions include baking soda because they don’t like the feel under on their feet when they land. Chili pepper mixtures and bird nettings will also help you keep birds out. Chili peppers work best when you use a half gallon of water with ¼ cup of vinegar. You should have 24 of these to use, and they can either be green or red. Netting will also help you keep birds out of areas where you don’t want them.


There Are Physical Ways to Get Rid of Birds from Your Home

Do you have flags that move well during windy days? What about scarecrows, owls, coyotes, etc. that you can move around? These are just some of the objects that get in the way. You can scare them away with shiny objects, large colorful balls in your garden, flashing lights, and loud noises. Some of the common shiny objects you can use are old CDs, foil pans, or silver reflective tape. Wind chimes can help you accomplish your noise goals.


Our Exterminators Can Help if You Still Have Unwanted Birds

You don’t have to put up with birds at your home or business causing the problems that they do. Exterminators have the knowledge and expertise to give you the peace of mind that you deserve. Trained experts like ours know the best practices for getting rid of any creature that may be causing you trouble. That includes birds, too. Our exterminators know the best possible treatment options and prevention for future infestation. We’re committed to helping you feel safe from pests in your home or business.


Make sure that you always have a qualified exterminator who’s ready to work for you. They know infestations are scary, but that doesn’t mean you have to live with the damage they do.


Eastern-Burkholder Exterminators, Inc. Offers Quality Bird Control

Choose Eastern-Burkholder, Inc. when you want the best quality bird control for your home or business. Our highly qualified staff knows what to look for when a bird infestation strikes. Our team uses the best quality tools and techniques for getting birds off your property, and keeping them off. That makes our extermination process the most effective and efficient in the Belpre, Ohio area.


Our experts know that bird infestations can happen at any moment, and can cause big problems. Rely on our team for getting rid of any pest you’re dealing with. Get in touch with us today to learn more about our superior services at a tremendous price.


For more information on dealing with bird infestations on your property, give Eastern-Burkholder Exterminators, Inc., a call at (740) 423-6887. Follow us on Facebook for updates. We are happy to discuss more about dealing with bird infestations on your property.