Rat Extermination
in Belpre, Ohio

Eastern-Burkholder Exterminators, Inc. Handles Rat Infestations
If you need rat extermination in or around Belpre, Ohio, you can count on Eastern-Burkholder Exterminators, Inc. Rats are known to transmit more than 35 diseases, spread to humans through contact with urine, saliva, bites, or feces. Their feeding habits can also be destructive, compromising an infested building’s structure over time. You can discourage rats from infesting your home or business by removing their food and water sources. Make sure to keep your garbage in containers and always clean as you go. For rat-infested homes and businesses, please contact Eastern-Burkholder Exterminators, Inc. immediately. We have a pest control team that can effectively remove these rats. Call us today at (740) 423-6887 or toll-free at (800) 510-6871. You can also contact us online.

Signs of Rat and Rodent Infestation in Belpre-Area Homes and Businesses
Droppings, signs of chewing on food packages, holes through walls, and stale smells are signs of a rat infestation. While cleaning up and sealing holes may prevent rats, it can be difficult when your home or business is already infested with these pests. Call Eastern-Burkholder Exterminators, Inc. today to take care of your rodent problem in the Belpre, Ohio, area. We have experts equipped with the right tools and experience to help you remove these rodents. Our team can also educate you on how to prevent them from coming back.

Know the Difference Between Mice and Rats
Mice and rats are two different pests. It is easier to catch mice as they are curious creatures, willing to investigate anything new. Setting a trap could work for mice, but not for rats. The latter are cautious and will choose to avoid an unfamiliar environment until they are used to it. Our team is familiar with both pests and knows the most effective ways to catch them. We have more than 30 years of experience exterminating pests permanently. We are more than happy to help you, too.

Eastern-Burkholder Exterminators, Inc.: Protecting You Since 1984
Eastern-Burkholder Exterminators, Inc. is a pest control company that helps homeowners and businesses in and around Belpre, Ohio. Our exterminators have more than 30 years of experience removing rats, mice, bed bugs, bees, termites, fleas, wasps, snakes, hornets, bats, and birds. You can trust and rely on us. Our goal is to ensure your homes and businesses are safe from these pests.