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Are You Having Problems with Fleas?

Trust Your Flea Problems to Eastern-Burkholder Exterminators, Inc.

For the best help controlling fleas in Belpre, Ohio, count on Eastern-Burkholder Exterminators, Inc. Our flea exterminator will rid your home of fleas. You may have flea treatments for your cats, dogs, and other household pets. These parasites have allowed these pests to live. These insects are the cause of more than 50 percent of dermatological health issues.


Veterinarians see these issues over half the time. But those health hazards can also bring problems for you, too, including Lyme Disease. These creatures are only second to mosquitoes as pathways for human diseases. That makes controlling their risk for growth. It’s even more important knowing it can impact your health and your pet’s. Make sure you know what to consider when keeping your home or business free from fleas.


How Do I Know if I have a Flea Infestation Within My Home?

Fleas will tend to hop on to pets first, sometimes they will even go from pet to pet. You will generally find them on you bed, furniture, and floor cracks. Fleas can hang out on your pets’ underbelly. That allows for fleas to jump and move around your carpet as well. These problems usually happen during the summer months. That’s due to the warm air flowing through.


While the temperatures are cooler during the winter, flea movement doesn’t come to a full stop. The warmth of your home or of any building allows fleas to thrive. You can also tell if you have a flea infestation by what you see on your pet. There are two other common signs. You will see either dot shaped insects in their fur. There may also be excessive licking, scratching or biting of their fur.


What Are the Signs That Fleas Are Impacting My Personal Health?

Fleas can bite you and feed off your blood. These are generally on your lower legs and feet. You will notice your body produced histamines which is a red, itchy bump. Be careful how often you scratch it because it could get worse. You may also have hives, a rash, or swelling around the bite area. These symptoms will show the moment the flea bites you. While you don’t need a test to determine if you get bit, your pet may need further examination.


Allergic reactions such as intense itching, rash, or hives. You could also have shortness of breath could also be an issue. Make sure you call 911 immediately for any of the above issues you could have if symptoms become serious. Do you need more information for treating yourself? Checkout these excellent resources courtesy of the Mayo Clinic.


If You See an Infestation of Fleas, Make Sure You Act Quickly

Fleas can cause a wide variety of diseases for both you and your pets if you don’t act fast. While these illnesses are rare, fleas can cause typhus and bubonic plague in humans. Your pets could get heartworm or tapeworm. Tapeworm may sometimes get to humans, too. Seeing these infestations can leave you feeling uneasy at any moment.


You Can Take Several Steps on Your Own for Quality Prevention

There are several places that fleas would love to hide. That make it easier for their population to not only survive but thrive. Much of the work you need done will depend on shady, humid, and warm spots you have. That means you need to mow your lawn and rake it. Make sure all debris gets removed and spread cedar chips. If you have questions for how to handle your garden, consult your local gardening center. They can help you find the right lawn and garden tools perfect for getting the job done.


The Key is Remember to be Proactive When Dealing with an Infestation

Infestations can scare anyone no matter how large or small your home or business’ infestation is. The important thing is that you react accordingly with the help of an exceptional exterminator. They will know the signs of a flea infestation and what it will take for proper extermination. Having bug issues in your home can cause a lot of grief from your health to your pets’ health.


Your exterminator knows the best tools and chemicals that will keep insects outside. No matter how scary that infestation looks, you have the power to keep that infestation brief. That will help keep you, your family and loved ones safe wherever you may be. Make sure you treat your home, yard, and your pets for preventing future infestation.


Rely on Eastern-Burkholder Exterminators, Inc. for Your Flea Problems

Choose Eastern-Burkholder, Inc. for quality flea control at your home or workplace. Our skilled experts know what it takes to control fleas. We use the best processes and tools for finding fleas and exterminating them. Our chemicals and equipment offer the best quality for an effective extermination. We know that fleas can cause big trouble over time. Count on us to eliminate all the pests infesting your home or business at a great price. Reach us today to learn more about our exceptional services.


For more information on exterminating fleas in Belpre, Ohio, give Eastern-Burkholder Exterminators, Inc., a call at (740) 423-6887. Follow us on Facebook for updates. We are happy to discuss fleas in Belpre, Ohio.